Citizen science at Stebbins Cold Canyon

Student Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Stebbins Cold Canyon activities

Jepson Prairie Docent program information.

Hands on the Land program information.


California Ecology and Conservation

NRS BIOL/ENVS 188, 19 units

EXPLORE California - spend 7 weeks at UC Reserves

DESIGN your own scientific studies

LEARN field research and data analysis methods

HONE your scientific writing and public speaking

MAKE life-long friends

Academic departments on each UC campus determine how credits from California Ecology and Conservation fulfill major, minor, and/or GE requirements.




List of UC classes regularly using reserves coming soon.

Senior Projects

Project examples coming soon.


More information coming soon.

Funding Opportunities



Maurer-Timm Student Endowment

The Maurer-Timm Student Endowment provides funding up to $2,500 for graduate student research at Stebbins Cold Canyon and/or Quail Ridge Reserve. Students in all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Natural Reserve facilities and study sites are available to students from all departments, including the natural and social sciences, humanities, education, medical and veterinary sciences, and engineering. 


Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant Program

The Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant Program funds graduate research at NRS reserves. Providing up to $3,000 each, the grants encourage students to establish independent research projects at reserves. 




Field Science Fellowship

The NRS Field Science Fellowship provides financial support to UC undergraduate-faculty teams conducting scientific research in the field at NRS reserves. The fellowships enable students to focus on gaining valuable hands-on research experience under the guidance of a faculty researcher. Each $6,000 award consists of a $5,000 student stipend and $1,000 to cover project costs. A maximum of $24,000 will be awarded annually. Applicants must be two-person teams made up of a current UC faculty member and an undergraduate student enrolled at UC.

2025 Sagehen Graduate Student Research Grant 

Two awards of up to $1,500 each will be made for the 2025 field season. Additionally, graduate students who mentor an undergraduate researcher as part of their project will receive an extra $500 to support the mentee’s involvement. (Applications are due via email by March, 31 2025 at 5 p.m. PST.)

Valentine Eastern Sierra Reserve Grant Program

Several awards of up to $1,500 each will be granted for the 2025 field season supporting graduate student research conducted at the Sierra Nevada Aquatic Research Laboratory or its sister reserve, Valentine Camp. Graduate student research using these sites as a base of operations for research projects that take place off site also qualifies. Applications and supporting documents are due by March 31, 2025 at 5 p.m.