Kids into Discovering Science Outreach Program
KiDS puts graduate student scientists into classrooms in rural Lake County to teach 5th graders about the habitats found at the McLaughlin Reserve. The program also brings the kids out to the Reserve to learn about the unique geology and vegetation there by interacting with scientists in the field. This program forms a direct and personal link from rural classrooms to early-career scientists at our campus, enriching the education of both the 5th graders and UC Davis students. The program connects kids to nature in their own backyard.

McLaughlin Reserve
The McLaughlin Reserve protects an intricately complex landscape that reflects a mosaic of geologic bodies and soils, including rare serpentine soils. Unusual and rare native plants, specific to the serpentine soils, form the core of the rich research, teaching, and outreach programs at the Reserve. A legacy of mining and homesteading layered into the complex natural landscape provides opportunities for studying restoration and for citizens to participate in restoration effort. Your gift will expand programs for students in the arts, humanities, and sciences, support innovative collaborations between the arts and sciences, and increase hands-on learning opportunities for K-12 students.